Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 30, Woo Hoo!!!

We are finally to day 30! I'm so happy that I took this challenge and had something to blog about for the last 30 days...although I did have a few fun things happen during that time that I didn't blog about. I'm hopeful that now that I'm in the habit of blogging regularly that I will blog at least once a week...we shall see:)
Day 30 says to post a picture of yourself from today (I had no time to take a picture) and to write about 5 good things that have happened since starting this challenge.

1) I have learned more about myself
2) I have been pretty consistent about blogging each day which hopefully will help me to blog regularly
3) I have learned how to write posts ahead of time and have them post at a later time:)
4) I have learned that each post doesn't need to be a novel to be a post!
5) Sometimes just a picture is enough:)

1 comment:

Becka Beacham said...

Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment. I couldn't do 30 days every day. Yikes. I applaud your zeal darling Steph. It was nice to get to know the inner you. Thank you for sharing.