Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I can't seem to keep this blog up to date. Maybe when I can budget in a laptop. Since Disneyland I have made another trip to California. A good friend of mine that lives there, Molly, was baptized a member of the LDS church. Molly Jane and I were able to be missonaries in our own right to her. She of course also met with full time missonaries and had member missonaries in California that she was meeting with, but we were able to answer a lot of questions and get her started on the journey. It was such a testimony building experience for me. I have told her time and again that I love how Heavenly Father works. I love that not only was she learning about the gospel and being converted but that I was also be converted. I had been struggling a lot with my testimony and trying to decide if I was ready to leave the church. But being able to really examine what I believed and to explain it to another person as we all know helps to strengthen our testimony. It has been so much fun to be on this journey with her! I'm still trying to gain my footing but I finally feel like I'm on the right path. Its funny, all of the Sunday school answers still apply :) I need to be saying my prayers, reading my scriptures, and I think sometimes most important for me I need to be at church. I need to be there physically of course but also I need to be there mentally. I need to stop thinking about what needs done at home and what I'm going to make for lunch. I need to stop worrying about money and what cleaning there is to be done. I need to focus on my Savior and on what he is trying to teach me. My goal for this year of my life (I just turned 28) is to read my scriptures everyday, pray everyday and to attend church every week unless sick. I'm ready to be back 100%, I'm ready to be worthy of attending the Temple again. I want to be there when Molly gets to go to the Temple! I want to be worthy of being married in the Temple. I want to be worthy of a good man and to be worthy of having my children. Time to up my game :)

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